Thursday, June 15, 2017

Kick Menopause to the Curb!


The ugly word, the stage in life that women seem to dread! Menopause can be an easy transition if you change your diet and everyday habits to be a more fit and healthy way of life. Simple changes can really help at this stage in a woman's life. Every week I receive yet another call from an amazing fit woman, a woman who has been working out most of her life, being fit is just a way of life for her, she is a woman that is hitting the "female" fitness road block called MENOPAUSE! She is frustrated and upset that the workouts that she has been doing just do not seem to be working any longer!

Ladies I have said this time and time again, you cannot stay toned and fit by spinning, yoga and running alone. Yes these are a great component of an overall fitness routine and I totally recommend them all, but they are not the ones that will keep your body toned and help your bones at this stage in your life. Too many women are taking cardio based fitness classes and not strength training too. Estrogen levels drop at this stage in your life, your muscles get weaker and muscle loss is inevitable if you do not strength train. An ideal strength training program is three 30-60 minute strength training workouts per week.

Simple facts ladies! Just a few of the many benefits of strength training:
Strengthens muscles
Builds healthy bones
Burns more fat that cardio
Boosts your energy
Keeps your heart healthy and fit

Let us help you kick Peri-Menopause and Menopause to the curb!