Sunday, April 24, 2016

Five Quick And Effective Fitness Tips

Five Quick Fitness Tips. How to achieve your health and fitness goals in a fast paced world!

Busy schedules, high stress level, sleep deprivation, finance restrictions and a lack of a good support system can really hinder the ability to achieve a healthy, fit lifestyle! But don't worry there are ways to get there, but the approach should be slow and steady not fast and abrupt. And with all the fad diets and quick fix options that are being presented to consumers it is hard to know which way is really the right way.

Tip 1: Set goals and write them down.  A journal is a powerful tool! As you start your journey to be fit and healthy it is wise to keep journaling and go back to the beginning every so often to check how far you have come, check off the areas that you were not as successful and write them again, then read them out loud and think of the reasons why you may have fallen behind in these areas.

Tip 2: Drink lemon water as soon as you wake up. This is something I have been doing for years, it hydrates your body, kick starts your metabolism and helps start the day with a healthy approach, it also makes you mindful of your diet and healthy food choices for the day.

Tip 3:  Meditate about what is on your mind every day. Keep what makes you happy in your life and remove the negative thought patterns. Always practice positive self-talk, this is a common mistake many people make in their everyday lives, you have to value and invest in yourself before anyone else will!

Tip 4: Exercise! A body in motion is a healthy one! I cannot say this enough, we need to move to keep our bodies healthy and fit. We all should be doing some form of exercise every day, including balance, cardio and strength training 3-5 days per week. Hiring a personal trainer is not a luxury, it is a necessity to keep you on track and accountable to your health and fitness goals, it also has the ability to assure you a healthy, pain, illness and injury free future.

Tip 5: Add one healthy food or drink at a time, replace it with something that is healthy, for example you can swap soda or a sweetened drink for chilled herbal tea with honey there are so many delicious blends available to make this transition easy. For a snack you can replace potato chips with kale or whole grain organic chips found in your local health food store. There are many healthy options, just read the ingredient labels carefully, just because something says "organic" and "natural" does not mean it is.

Living a healthy and fit lifestyle is easier than you think, you just have to make the right choices and educate yourself on how to do so. Hiring a certified personal trainer, health coach or registered dietitian can be a great starting point to a healthy, happy and fit future!

For more information and fit tips go to