Winter proof your health for a healthy holiday season!
Power up your immune system with a few simple healthy
lifestyle tips.
Keep your workouts consistent. Studies suggest that an on
again off again routine with your dumbbells can make you feel sluggish and
tired, making you more susceptible to winter colds, flu and illness.
Following a steady fitness routine will help keep your immune system
running smooth and full of healthy energy. Exercise is a great way to stay
healthy overall and a necessity for everyone to maintain a healthy, fit
lifestyle. When it comes to burning fat and those extra calories it is
important to power up your immune system with exercise, good nutrition and
adequate rest.
Take time to get outside and breathe in the fresh chilly
air, walk the dog, take a hike, this is invigorating and an absolute must in my
week. Open your windows a few times a week in the winter months to clear out
the house and freshen trapped indoor air.
Get to bed early and maintain a regular time. You have heard
this time and time again, lack of sleep increases the levels of the stress
hormone cortisol in your body, which is a common cause of weight gain.
Most people say it is impossible to get 7-8 hours sleep but it is the number
needed to maintain your physical and emotional health. The first thing everyone
in today's society can do to get more sleep TURN OFF the electronic devices! Your
eyes need rest from the computer screens in order to power down too. Try going
to sleep 15 minutes earlier every night until you reach 7-8 hours. Read an old
fashioned text book and relax, you are going to be amazed at how much better
you will feel after just 10 days following this advise, I promise!
Add healthy colorful food to your plate. The more color the
more Vitamin C boosting antioxidants. Yellow, red and orange fruits and
vegetables such as sweet potatoes, peppers, carrots, papaya and apples are
great additions to your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Add a fruit as a snack
daily too. I love the many websites and help available online, here is a great
website to check out:
Cheers to a healthy, happy winter season!
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