Thursday, December 1, 2016

Simple Fitness Tips For A Successful New Year Resolution

Happy Holidays. Bring on 2017!

Here we are once again, the time of year when all those delicious foods, sweet desserts and fancy drinks are everywhere we turn. But there is no need to worry, you can still enjoy them all in moderation, tasting something and not over indulging is key and with a calorie burning workout to keep the weight gain down you can simply enjoy your holidays with family and friends.

I believe in a smaller, intimate one on one approach to fitness. I am dedicated to staying focused on my clients individually to help each one reach their health and fitness goals and to keep them on track moving forward to an actual lifestyle change. It is not just about “reaching” the goal at Fit, Healthy and Fabulous, LLC it is about reaching it by learning how to live a healthy lifestyle along the way and keeping it. I want my clients to feel that they are top priority and to be comfortable coming to me with any health or fitness concerns that they may have. The end result should be that they feel fit, toned, have more flexibility and a positive outlook everyday when they get out of bed!

The Following Are a Few Simple Fitness Tips For A Successful New Year Resolution:
Choose an attainable goal for yourself. Choosing to make a fitness resolution year after year that you have been unsuccessful at in the past only sets you up for frustration and failure. The average success rate for New Years resolutions is 20% but there are ways to assure that you will be in that 20% category. Here are a few of my own ideas to get you on your way to your own personal success and how to enjoy exercise and a healthier lifestyle. First of all, I believe that fitness needs to be a part of your everyday life and that you need to give yourself a break and realize that results take time and a lot of effort on your part, most experts agree that it takes about 21 days to create a habit and six months for it to actually become part of your everyday life and you need to mentally prepare yourself for your fitness success. Most people focus on the SCALE and the number that they see for their weight, this is considered one of your “ BAD” habits and it should be the FIRST resolution that you make and keep. It will make you lose focus on your goal when you are too focused on the negative thoughts of your weight.

My advice to people who really want to achieve their fitness goals for 2017 is to start training now and not wait until January when you already have overdone all the extra food, holiday cheer and parties that come with the holiday season, do not wait until you feel bad about your weight and all the excess calories. Avoid going into a fitness resolution full force, this is where the 20% group succeed because they do not start off too accelerated, they start out gradually and make the necessary adjustments that it takes to succeed with their fitness goals. So enjoy the holidays and begin your exercise program now by exercising as you go through the season’s festivities. When 2017 is here you will be ready for the NEXT level of your fitness goal!

Happy Holidays and don't forget to schedule your Holiday Survival Fitness Routines!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Winter Proof Your Health!

Winter proof your health for a healthy holiday season! 

Power up your immune system with a few simple healthy lifestyle tips.

Keep your workouts consistent. Studies suggest that an on again off again routine with your dumbbells can make you feel sluggish and tired, making you more susceptible to winter colds, flu and illness. Following a steady fitness routine will help keep your immune system running smooth and full of healthy energy. Exercise is a great way to stay healthy overall and a necessity for everyone to maintain a healthy, fit lifestyle. When it comes to burning fat and those extra calories it is important to power up your immune system with exercise, good nutrition and adequate rest.

Take time to get outside and breathe in the fresh chilly air, walk the dog, take a hike, this is invigorating and an absolute must in my week. Open your windows a few times a week in the winter months to clear out the house and freshen trapped indoor air.

Get to bed early and maintain a regular time. You have heard this time and time again, lack of sleep increases the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in your body, which is a common cause of weight gain. Most people say it is impossible to get 7-8 hours sleep but it is the number needed to maintain your physical and emotional health. The first thing everyone in today's society can do to get more sleep TURN OFF the electronic devices! Your eyes need rest from the computer screens in order to power down too. Try going to sleep 15 minutes earlier every night until you reach 7-8 hours. Read an old fashioned text book and relax, you are going to be amazed at how much better you will feel after just 10 days following this advise, I promise!

Add healthy colorful food to your plate. The more color the more Vitamin C boosting antioxidants. Yellow, red and orange fruits and vegetables such as sweet potatoes, peppers, carrots, papaya and apples are great additions to your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Add a fruit as a snack daily too. I love the many websites and help available online, here is a great website to check out:

Cheers to a healthy, happy winter season!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Strength Training Is Back!

There is a growing trend and I LOVE IT! Strength training is back!

Strength training is finally getting the well deserved recognition it deserves as one of the BEST ways to get in shape and stay in shape with a toned, fit and healthy body!

Strength training is the most important type of exercise you can do for better overall health. Most people have the misconception that you need to run, jog or do some sort of cardio to be fit, lean and healthy. Cardiovascular training absolutely has it's place with heart pumping benefits, just not as the only exercise that you are doing in your routine.

After years of people following fitness trends with many of them stepping away from their weights and dumb bells, they are now realizing the best way to "get fit" and "stay fit" is to maintain muscle mass with a good strength training program.

The number one complaint that I hear from people about their body is loss of muscle tone, followed by physical weakness, belly fat, poor posture and balance.

We all know that weight training increases bone density which lowers the risk of osteoporosis, but it also builds muscle mass and increases your overall strength while burning fat. The best part of picking up your weights is that you will keep burning calories even after your fitness session is finished!  The ideal strength training program will increase your lean muscle mass as it reduces body fat, burns more calories, which will give you the reward of a healthy, toned, fit looking body. Of course you will need a healthy diet with protein and whole foods to fuel your body and get the most out of your workouts too.

For the ladies: The misconception that if women lift weights they will get big, bulky muscles and look like a professional body builder is simply not true. Women need not worry about looking like Mr Olympia since the ability to get huge muscles takes testosterone and women simply do not produce the amount of testosterone that men do, so in reality women cannot build the same muscle size as a man. So relax and pick up those dumb bells!

On a personal note; I once volunteered for hospice and worked with many aging adults in nursing homes and hospitals. The one thing that I noticed as I watched these people go about their daily lives was that the majority of them lacked strength and mobility. I truly believe that if they had lived more active lifestyles with strength training and daily exercise that they would not have been so immobile, stiff and arthritic in their daily lives as they aged.  Strength train now for a healthier, vibrant and more active future!

If you are looking for a fit, toned, healthy body, that will treat you well as you age, it is crucial for you to begin a fitness program with more strength training for increased strength, muscle mass and bone density along with the required amount of cardio training for cardiovascular health, stretching for flexibility and balance training too. Start light and build up your strength slowly. If you can, hire a certified personal trainer to guide you on proper form and a program designed just for you and your fitness goals in mind.