Motivation, do you lack it? Stop making excuses and find the time to get healthy.
The top two excuses that I hear are "I don't have time
to exercise" and "I don't have the money to join a fitness
I don't have time to exercise. You need to make the time and
put some effort into your health and wellness. So many people want to get
healthy and feel fit, but they get caught up in the "Busy Being TOO Busy
Whirlwind" everyday. We are all busy doing things that make up our
everyday lives, working, daily errands, taking the kids to after school activities,
watching our favorite TV shows, having drinks or coffee with our friends, and
you can add the honey do lists in there too. You have no problem finding the
time for all of these things that you need and want to do, now you need to find
the time to do the things that make you "able" to get all those
things done, if you do not take care of your health and well being your body
will start to let you know when it is not functioning properly, our bodies can
only handle so much being on auto pilot. Think about how you feel when all you
do is go, go, go and not take time for yourself, you feel back pain, neck
stiffness, headaches, stomach problems and you may even feel short tempered and
cranky. Just 30 minutes of exercise every day has been proven to help people
handle life better, exercise reduces stress and blood pressure, lowers
cholesterol, improves mood and can help those who suffer from depression and
the list goes on.....
I don't have the money. Some people really do not have the
extra money, BUT you can still take a group class, or get a few friends to
start a small group training class for very little cost or you can start a
walking group for no cost at all. What I find mind blowing is when I see people
with high priced cars, expensive clothes, shoes and handbags and yet they claim
that they cannot afford a personal trainer or health coach. I know it is just
another excuse when I hear this, they need to see the value of a good health
and fitness program and how it can improve their lives. Remember one thing, you
cannot place a price tag on good health and a fit, properly functioning body.
I have never had one client tell me that they regret taking
the time or spending the money to reach their fitness goals, lose the targeted
weight we set for them or complain about waking up with more energy and
excitement for the day ahead!
The truth is sometimes all you really need is a little extra
inspiration and encouragement to get motivated. Once you start a fitness
program you will learn to enjoy the time spent getting healthy and look forward
to the feeling it provides, and soon it too will become part of your routine and budget!
Being healthy and fit is definitely a lifestyle, a
commitment and a decision, you have to ask yourself how do I want to feel at
the end of each day? The choice really is yours and no one else's.
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