Tuesday, April 25, 2017

What are the Healthy Habits of Fit People?

What are the Healthy Habits of Fit People?  

Are they as hard as one might think? I decided to write about the simple habits that can help everyone become healthier, fit and happy! The first thing is to realize that being healthy needs to be part of your everyday lifestyle, you will realize that once you stick to your new routines they become part of your day, as these small changes become habit, you can continue to add one healthy new routine to your schedule every week. It is important to set aside time everyday that is devoted to you and your health. Just go for it! Take those steps to a healthier, fit lifestyle and a new YOU because YOU are worth it!

Exercise! To live a healthy life you NEED to be active and move your body! Have you ever noticed the more you sit around the more physically stiff and emotionally depressed you feel? Regular physical activity helps control weight, reduces heart disease and diabetes, it also reduces the risk of some forms of cancers, improves mood and mental health, strengthens your bones and muscles, which will improve your ability to do daily activities, be it sports or just daily chores in older adults. Exercise increases all of our chances for living a healthy longer life and should be added to all of our lives, making excuses is not an option if you want to feel good and be healthy.

Be active physically and mentally. Find hobbies and activities that you enjoy, the kind that will help keep you active and emotionally healthy. Gardening, hiking, book clubs are all great ways to get out and be active.

Volunteer. This is where I find my happy place. Volunteering is a great way to give back and find balance by doing what you love and helping others. I have been involved in dog rescue for as long as I can remember and I cannot imagine my life without dogs in it. Consider volunteering at a local shelter walking and socializing dogs, you have the opportunity to give back and exercise too!

Eat breakfast. The way you start your body for the day is important. You cannot drive your car without gas can you? So do not expect your body to run well on empty! People who skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight than people who eat a healthy breakfast.
Drink water! Give up soda and all those sugary drinks. Need a flavor? Add lemon, orange or lime! You can also purchase an infusion pitcher to add fruits and veggies that are in season.

Remove processed grains from your diet. Replace them with healthy whole grains, which have been shown to keep off belly fat.

Snack healthy. There are so many healthy choices out there, you just need to educate yourself or hire a health coach to assist you in your choices. Choose an apple sprinkled with healthy cinnamon instead of a processed 100-calorie snack pack!

Chew your food! It has been studied and reported that people who chew their food thoroughly and slowly consumed less calories that those who chew less and eat fast. This is something that I see all too often, please eat slower; your stomach needs to digest what you eat, eating too fast and stress is a messy combination that can lead to indigestion and heartburn.

Eat dinner early. Give your body the chance to digest your dinner before going to bed. Research has shown that people who eat after 8 pm consumed more calories and had higher body fat than those who eat an early dinner.

Manage stress. It is so important to find time for you and what makes you happy. Chronic stress has been linked to weight gain and many illnesses, such as heart disease, depression and stomach problems, just to name a few. Find a way to keep stress under control. Some find it helpful to read a book, hike, take a walk or do yoga. Whatever takes you to a happy place for a few minutes a day find it and do it!

Get a massage. Most of us spend our days hunched over some type of computer device, a main cause of most back and neck pain in our society today. I am a huge advocate of massage therapy for relaxation and to remove toxins from the body.

Get your sleep. Did you know that lack of sleep is bad for your waistline? Sleeping six to eight hours per night helps to control your appetite throughout the day, it also helps to avoid that midday crash that causes those high calorie, sugary snack cravings.

Be sure to laugh! You know the old saying” Laughter Is The Best Medicine” It is true! Studies show that laughing also burns calories, about 40 calories for each 15 minutes of laughter.

Now that you have some great new tips to start your personal path to a healthy, fit life, make the changes and feel the transformation in you! I guarantee you will feel healthier in just a few weeks!


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