Thursday, August 8, 2013

Stop Making Excuses; Use Your Energy To Get Fit!

I constantly hear “ I just cannot find the time to exercise” Trust me you have to make the time, what happens if you get sick from living an unhealthy lifestyle or you get hurt due to lack of exercise, circulation and flexibility, this is something that I see all the time, overweight or unfit people that have knee and back injuries not to mention all the other medical conditions that come with unhealthy living such as diabetes, the list goes on. Now they have to find time for surgery, rehabilitation and being out of commission! Why not start now and avoid the inevitable?

I am fit because I choose to be! I was not born this way, I have to work at it and make the time not the excuses to stay fit and healthy! I eat clean, get up early, make sure that I get to the gym, I exercise outside every chance that I can, add to that, I work full time, volunteer with several dog rescue groups, travel to Mexico to work at sterilization clinics for population control of dogs, maintain a Facebook page called "Rescue Me" for dogs in need of homes and I also write a local article about all things dog! And honestly, on the weekend I would like to sleep in BUT it is not an option if I want to stay healthy and fit. I know it is not easy, but we all need to consider what is best for our bodies and just do it without all the excuses that are stopping us!

Here are a few tips to help you on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

Friends and family are a big part of our lives. Do your friends call you to take a walk or an exercise class or are they more likely to plan dinner dates that include food, alcoholic drinks and desserts? Here is where you can take the lead, you can suggest a new yoga class or small group training with a personal trainer; all it takes is one friend to suggest something new amongst the group! Work out with friends who are motivated and challenge you to get to the next level and want to be pushed just as hard by you during your workouts.

Family can learn to exercise together too, schedule time to exercise, walk, bike ride, go on a hike, or toss a Frisbee, there are also a lot of outdoor games that you can all do together that are really a lot of fun. This past summer I learned to play a game called BAGGO® it was fun and everyone laughed the whole time and we all know that laughter is a great way to stay healthy too!

I cannot say this enough, you need to be consistent in your exercise routines! 
You cannot work out only when feel like it. You will not get results without consistency, it will frustrate you and you will most like quit all together. 

Do these excuses sound familiar? I am too tired; I just got home from work. I feel sick; I didn’t get much sleep last night andon and on it goes! The reality is when you feel tired and push yourself and start to exercise you become energized and it actually improves your mood and focus. The more you exercise, the more you adapt, feeling energized and healthy you will start to look forward to exercise and having that feeling every time. Figure out what time works best for you and your schedule to get your workout in. If you keep missing your afternoon or lunchtime workouts, try exercising earlier in the morning. Do what works for you NO EXCUSES!

Hire a certified fitness trainer to jump start your workout habits, there are trainers that work out small group deals for you and your friends and if you want to train solo, ask for a special package price.

Drink plenty of water, dehydration causes fatigue, reach for a glass of water not coffee when you feel tired!

Set your mind to succeed, no excuses! Good luck!

Disclaimer: The information in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for the personal care of a doctor. Please remember to always consult your healthcare provider before beginning a new fitness or dietary program.

For more Health and Fitness Tips go to

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