Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Self Healing and Energy Work

Do you know about self healing with energy work?

Today 80% of diseases are caused by stress. A high stress life actually blocks our major energy sources which in turn causes poor circulation and inflammation within the body.

Here are a few symptoms that have been shown to be caused by blocked energy:
*Chronic pain
*Joint stiffness
*Digestive issues, constipation
*Lack of concentration
*Trouble with concentration, feeling brain fog or heavy minded
*You get sick easily and have frequent colds
*Depression and anxiety issues

These are just to name a few!

There are ways to reduce many of these symptoms which will in turn lead to a healthy, happy more positive life!
Reiki Energy, Tai Chi, Yoga, Meditation and proper nutrition all help to remove blockages in your energy channels and can reduce the risk of and help symptoms of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Aging And Weight Training

It is NEVER too late to get healthy!  
Weight training is a simple addition to your daily routine and does not require a lot of time. However, it is the most important exercise that you can incorporate into your health and fitness routine!
As we age, there are a number of physiological functions that decline; this increases your risk of developing osteoporosis, arthritis, type 2 diabetes and loss of muscle mass. 
Strength training 2–3 days a week can help prepare you to fight these effects of aging. It is a MUST!
It’s never too late to create new habits. Strength training for many people isn’t as fun as walking, spin class, yoga or playing sports. But the short and long term benefits of picking up those weights have proven benefits. 
Such as:
Increased bone density
Stronger ligaments and tendons
But the benefits do not stop there. Muscle allows us to continue to be active, functional and healthy. It’s critical for activity and movement, simply put weight training is critical to our happiness and long term health!